Australian President Greets South Australian Governor

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc received Governor of South Australia state Frances Adamson in Hanoi on November 9.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives Governor of South Australia state Frances Adamson (Photo: VNA)
President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives Governor of South Australia state Frances Adamson (Photo: VNA)

Congratulating Australia and the state on their development achievements, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his gratitude to the Australian Government for increasing official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam. This support is seen as valuable in boosting socio-economic development in remote areas of the Southeast Asian country.

Governor Frances Adamson, during the meeting, expressed her delight at the development of the two countries’ relations. She affirmed that the joint statement issued during Prime Minister Phuc’s official visit to Australia in 2018 has contributed to bilateral cooperation in the fields of economics, trade, defense, security, science, technology, and innovation.

Regarding green energy, Governor Adamson stated that her state is willing to collaborate with Vietnamese localities in implementing activities to protect the environment and respond to climate change.

She also expressed her hope for more cooperation activities to be organized next year, as the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties.

President Phuc emphasized that Vietnam always attaches great importance to promoting the strategic partnership with Australia, considering it an important development partner in the South Pacific and a comprehensive strategic partner of ASEAN.

Regarding education, President Phuc asked for the expansion of collaboration between South Australia and other Vietnamese localities, as well as the consideration of opening a trade and investment office.

President Phuc also expressed his hope that the Australian government will create favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community living in Australia, allowing them to contribute more to the socio-economic development and people-to-people exchanges between the two nations.

President Phuc took the occasion to thank Australia for its support of Vietnam’s candidacy for the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term. He affirmed that Vietnam will continue to make effective and substantive contributions to this mechanism.

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