A new pedestrian zone around the Son Tay Citadel will be opened on the occasion of Reunification Day and May Day on April 30 and May 1, according to the People’ Committee of Son Tay town, Hanoi.

Withstanding many wars, battles and sieges, Son Tay ancient citadel has remained intact, with massive citadel walls together with the west and the south gates. Photo: Pham Hung

The 820-meter-long pedestrian zone spans some streets around the ancient citadel and includes Son Tay Town’s main square, cultural house and the town’s stadium.

The area is scheduled to be pedestrianized from 7pm. Saturday until noon on Sunday with contemporary art performances, street music, folk dances, portrait painting, sketching, calligraphy, boat racing, fishing and water puppetry.

Located around 40km away from Hanoi’s downtown, Son Tay citadel was built by King Minh Mang in 1822 to defend the west of the northern hub of the country. Withstanding many wars, battles and sieges, citadel has remained intact, with massive citadel walls together with the west and the south gates.

According to a representative of Management Board of the Son Tay relic site, the citadel was built in the French fortification architecture out of laterite, a material which is plentiful in the area. It is a military structure with firing loopholes to protect the gates. A 2,000-meter- long moat full was dug and was connected with the Tinh Giang River. There are also many large holes atop the walls for soldiers to hide themselves before attacking the enemies with their spears and broadswords.

The ancient citadel is also an attractive sightseeing in Hanoi. Photo: Pham Hung

“The ancient citadel has become a unique military architectural work and cultural historical relic, attracting many tourists. Visitor can combine a trip to nearby Duong Lam ancient village and Son Tay ancient citadel in a one-day-tour,” he said.

The first walking street around Hanoi Kiem Lake in Hanoi was launched in 2004. It was initially aimed at encouraging people to walk instead of gluing themselves to the motorbike seat, as well as creating spaces for community activities, fostering trade, services, tourism and cultural exchange. It was expanded with eight nearby streets and three alleys from January 1, 2021.

Meanwhile, the second Hanoi’ walking area is set in Trinh Cong Son Street on the bank of West Lake in May 2018.

Last year, Hanoi also planned to open another walking space around the Thien Quang Lake in Hai Ba Trung District. The pedestrianized sections of Tran Nhan Tong and Quang Trung Street and surrounding locations together with Thong Nhat Park will make up a large walking space.