3 Amazing Travel Destinations in the Wild Sunflower Season

The wild sunflower season is most beautiful in November. This is considered a flower that can foreshadow the winter because it often blooms in late autumn. Here are three ideal places that tourists can visit at this time of year.

3 Amazing Travel Destinations in the Wild Sunflower Season
Photo: chũnge.vn

Ba Vi (Hanoi)

Although wild sunflowers are just wildflowers that grow in arid soil or hide in the morning mist, these flowers still confidently stretch out to bloom, attracting the attention of countless visitors.

Every year at the end of autumn, wild sunflowers bloom again in Ba Vi National Park. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to travel from the center of Hanoi to this place. Here, visitors can be immersed in a paradise filled with golden wild sunflowers and take as many pictures as they like.

Wild sunflowers here start to bloom from late October to November. However, the best time to see the flowers is in November. On weekends, this national park welcomes more visitors than on weekdays. Therefore, visitors should come here on weekdays if they want to avoid traffic jams.

Before visitors come here, in order to avoid disappointment, they should identify some beautiful shooting spots in advance. They can ask the guard at the gate of the national park and at the guard posts for directions to wild sunflower hill. The 700 hill area is said to be the most beautiful spot for taking pictures of wild sunflowers. To reach this hill, visitors can go to the forest fire observatory and then turn left to the wild sunflower hill of Ba Vi National Park.

The right time to have fun in Ba Vi is a day or two. If visitors prefer to stay overnight, they can book a room in advance or camp overnight. This is quite simple because Ba Vi has many fully equipped resorts.

3 Amazing Travel Destinations in the Wild Sunflower Season
Photo: travelgear

Chu Dang Ya (Gia Lai)

In addition to famous Gia Lai tourist spots such as T’Nung lake, Phu Cuong waterfall, and Yaly hydroelectric lake, Chu Dang Ya volcano has also been attracting many tourists.

Wild sunflowers often cover the hillsides and the path leading up to Chu Dang Ya volcano in November. Wild sunflowers here mostly grow naturally, the yellow flowers that cover the mountainside resemble a giant carpet.

Taking advantage of natural conditions, the local government of Chu Pah has organized a wild sunflower festival on Chu Dang Ya mountain to attract tourists at the end of each year. When visitors come to the festival, they can participate in a lot of local cultural activities.

The end of the year is also an ideal time for tourists to visit the Central Highlands. The weather is cold, not too sunny, and the months-long monsoon rains have also ended.

3 Amazing Travel Destinations in the Wild Sunflower Season
Photo: youtube

Da Lat (Lam Dong)

Wild sunflowers are wildflowers that grow a lot in the Central Highlands and many northern mountainous provinces. Da Lat began to be covered with the outstanding yellow color of this flower at the end of October. Wild sunflowers bloom for about 3 weeks. During this time, visitors can see flowers in many places from the center to the suburbs.

The suburbs of Da Lat usually have the wildest sunflowers. The road of Van Thanh flower village – Ta Nung – Elephant Waterfalls – Langbiang is flooded with the yellow color of this flower. Therefore, this road has become the favorite route of many tourists. In addition, Trai Mat – Cau Dat, Golden Valley, and Tu Tra – Bong Lai are also destinations that are popular.

In the city center, visitors can also see this flower at Da Lat University, the entrance to Minh Hoa Seminary, or Pham Hong Thai Street (next to the old station).

The hill in Don Duong, Da Ron commune, more than 30 km from the city center, is a famous flower-viewing spot. The best time to take pictures to check in with wild sunflowers is from 9:00 am to 10:00 a.m, when the dew has dissipated, or from 17:00 p.m to 18:00 p.m.

The most ideal time to take pictures and admire the flowers is in the morning, around 8:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m when the sun rises and the dew has dissipated. You can also stop by to check in around 17:00 p.m to see the flowers in the sunset. The weather in Da Lat ranges from 21 to 25 degrees Celsius, and sometimes it rains. For a convenient trip, visitors should dress warmly and bring umbrellas and raincoats.

3 Amazing Travel Destinations in the Wild Sunflower Season
Photo: Mia.vn
Da Quang
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