In some wards of Long Bien where the new normal state has been established since September 9, restaurants and shops of essentials goods have begun to re-open for business.

Pho, a type of noodles mixed with beef or chicken, is perhaps the most longed-for food after more than a month of social distancing measures.

Patrons line up in front of a renowned noodle shop on Nguyen Son Street.

Many visit the shop quite early, bringing food containers with them for takeaway.

The owner of the noodle shop says she is very happy to be allowed to re-open for business, adding that she purchases more than 100 kilogrammes of meat and nearly 200 kilogrammes of noodles each day.

The prices are kept unchanged from the period before distancing despite rises in the prices of ingredients.

All food shops in Ngoc Lam Ward and Bo De Ward offer takeaway only.

Besides pho, other types of noodles are also selling like hot cakes.

People follow mask-wearing and distancing rules when queuing to buy noodles.

After more than 40 days of social distancing, many wards in Long Bien District are now designated as “green zones” with no cases of COVID-19.