The device has been announced by the National Technology Centre for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in collaboration with Ginnovations. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The wristband comes in three different colors. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The wristband that acts as an isolation monitoring and temperature control device to support the prevention of Covid-19 has been produced by a Vietnamese company. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The wristband utilizes GPS technology and will send out an alert if the wearer exits a quarantine zone. It is a single-use wristband, meaning if the user removes it, it will send a warning to authorities and a new one has to be used to continue tracking. Besides tracking, the wristband also scans body temperature, detects altitude changes and calorie consumption. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The device is produced by G-Innovations under technology G-Group. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The device is produced by G-Innovations under technology G-Group. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The device is produced by G-Innovations under technology G-Group. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The device is produced by G-Innovations under technology G-Group. (Photo: Ginnovations)
The device is produced by G-Innovations under technology G-Group. (Photo: Ginnovations)
‘Made in Vietnam’ wristband for monitoring COVID-19 qurantined patients
A tracking wristband is expected to help manage people who need to be quarantined at home as a COVID precautionary measure, and also to monitor those who have been in contact with patients, allowing them to be quarantined at home.