The bridge is located right on the 17th parallel, spanning the Ben Hai River in Vinh Thanh commune, Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province. During the war against US imperialism, Hien Luong Bridge was the boundary dividing Vietnam into North and South.

The cluster is viewed from the north bank where the border flagpole is located.

Two Hien Luong bridges are viewed from the southern bank.

Hien Luong Bridge has been restored with a welcoming gate, a communal house, a police station and a guard tower.

In 2001, the 182.97-square-metre iron bridge was restored under the design of the old bridge.

The bridge was painted in two colours blue and yellow, aiming to feature the aspiration of national reunification.

Visiting the banks of Hien Luong-Ben Hai, Vietnamese people will have the chance to review heroic memories and honour their forefathers for their great sacrifices for national independence.

The restored bridge was inaugurated in 2008 and has been used as historical evidence of the period when the country was divided into two parts.

The restored Hien Luong Bridge is viewed from the south bank.

The current demarcation flagpole on the north bank

On the occasion of the annual National Reunification (April 30), patriotic people can recall the memories of the resistance war for national independence and freedom.

Hien Luong flagpole consist of two parts including a tower and a pole. The pole has a total height of 28 metres.

The cluster of monuments "Aspiration for unification" is located on the south bank of Ben Hai river has a total area of 2,700 square metres.

Over half a decade, the land, which is full of smoke and bombs, has changed with vast fields of rice, pepper, and green rubber forests.