In May alone, there were 12 million visits of Vietnamese people. The localities have made many plans to ensure a convenient and safe tourist arrival.

In recent days, Sam Son beach, Thanh Hoa is always full of people. Visitors increased dramatically in the middle of the week. Up to this point, over 4.1 million visitors have come to Sam Son, exceeding 9% of this year’s plan.

The Coast Guard is working at full capacity. A system of 155 cameras from the city’s Smart Urban Operations Center has issued warnings, supporting functional forces to quickly handle incidents as well as acts and violations in tourism service business.

Du lịch Việt phục hồi mạnh mẽ - Ảnh 1.

In recent days, Sam Son beach, Thanh Hoa is always full of people. Photo: Dan Tri.

The summer tourism season is exciting, starting with the vacation of millions of children, and the tourism products up to the forest and down to the sea are very popular. In Da Lat, the number of visitors to visit during the day is currently about 70% compared to the time before the epidemic. Human resources in the industry have been mobilized back.

During the period from the end of June to August, a number of flight routes create great attraction such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phu Quoc, Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hue, Quy Nhon… are having the fastest ticket buying speed on this occasion. Airfares increase by 30-50%.

In the first 5 months of the year, domestic tourists reached about 48.6 million arrivals, total revenue from tourists was estimated at 211,000 billion VND. These are positive signals for the recovery of the tourism industry.

 @ Cafef

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