Tu San Agricultural and Tourism Service Cooperative, the sole provider of tourist boat services on the Nho Que River in Meo Vac District, announced the reopening of boat transportation to Tu San Canyon via the Nho Que 1 Hydropower Plant route. Starting at 7:00 am on Thursday, tourists can once again enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Southeast Asia’s deepest canyon, which stretches 1.7 kilometers and features imposing cliffs reaching heights of up to 800 meters. This announcement follows a directive from the Ha Giang Province People’s Committee and a productive meeting between the cooperative, Nho Que 1 Hydropower JSC, and the Meo Vac District People’s Committee. The cooperative had temporarily suspended boat service after the expiration of their contract with Nho Que 1 Hydropower JSC. Despite facing challenges in extending the contract, the cooperative and Nho Que 1 Hydropower JSC have now resolved the issue, allowing for the resumption of this popular tourist activity. On Tuesday, the Meo Vac District administration urged the parties to find a solution and resume service for the benefit of tourists. Stay updated with the latest news about Vietnam by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

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