The demand for online works and forums for exchange increases as face-to-face interactions become more limited. It is interesting to note that international writers are also keen on sharing their works with Vietnamese readers.

The introduction of literary works has provided a platform for writers and authors to connect and foster friendships. Over the years, Vietnamese writers and poets have developed relationships with their foreign colleagues, engaging in the exchange of works, personal experiences, cultural gifts, and the sharing of joys and sorrows. These interactions have also facilitated the necessary resources for promoting their works on various information platforms. Notably, esteemed editors such as Andrea H Hedes (Romania), Alexandre Konstantinovic Kabishev (Russia), Shersod Artikov (Uzbekistan), Emanuela Rizzo (Italy), Annette Nasser (the US), and Nirbhay Devyansh (India) have readily contributed pages in their magazines to publish Vietnamese literary works and poems.

Three foreign writers, editors, and editor-in-chiefs were asked about what motivates them to introduce Vietnamese literature to their readers. Here are their thoughts.

Alexander Konstantin Kabishev is a renowned Russian poet and the esteemed editor-in-chief of Humanity newspaper and Demo Gog platform. He has made significant contributions to the field of literature and is recognized as a leader within the global community of cultural activists.

“A future in which literature is shared is still in its early stages.”

According to Alexander Konstantin Kabishev, Vietnam may be geographically distant from Russia, but it shares close spiritual and cultural ties with the country. He observed that Vietnam offers a warm climate and a warm-hearted population, known for their kind and friendly nature. Furthermore, he highlighted Vietnam’s abundance of talented individuals and progressive ideas in the field of humanities. Many Russians consider Vietnam their second home, as visitors are always met with heartfelt support and their ideas and written works are highly valued.

The accomplished Russian poet also conveyed his enthusiasm for collaborative creative endeavors that will serve to unify the literature and people of both nations. He expressed his confidence in the belief that his Vietnamese counterparts will trust in his vision, as he embarks upon the prestigious “Binh Minh” (The Dawn) project. This ambitious endeavor aims to unite 50 authors from both countries in the creation of a remarkable literary work, while simultaneously working towards the establishment of a Guinness world record for poetry. Importantly, the number of talented Vietnamese writers and poets involved is on par with their Russian counterparts, and with the support of the Vietnam Writers’ Association, these projects hold the potential to foster human connections and amplify the significance of literature in everyday life. The collaborative cultural cooperation between Vietnamese and Russian writers holds the promise of a future where literary achievements are shared and celebrated.

Nirbhay Devyansh — an Indian poet and Editor of The Light Magazine:

“I aspire to contribute to the rich tradition of Vietnamese literature.”

According to Nirbhay Devyansh, Vietnam represents the epitome of the battle for peace, love, and a prosperous future for humanity. He emphasizes that the Vietnamese people’s unwavering bravery was instrumental in achieving their independence and in their ability to confidently construct such a remarkable nation.

According to Nirbhay Devyansh, those who embrace and appreciate people’s passions should wholeheartedly express their love for Vietnam. With this sentiment, it is undeniable that Vietnamese literature and arts showcase immense courage. Passion is essential for any endeavor, and love is crucial for every action. Emotions are a fundamental component, just as language and emotions are essential for literature. Vietnamese literature has inspired foreign writers, providing them with optimism and progress even in the face of challenging circumstances. Vietnamese writers possess a unique strength and realism in their thoughts and works, which sets them apart from their counterparts in other nations. “We eagerly anticipate becoming a part of the Vietnamese literary community.”

Sherzod Artikov is a renowned writer hailing from Uzbekistan. He currently serves as the editor of both Sindh Courier literary magazine and electronic literary magazine.

“The allure of Vietnamese poetry is truly captivating.”

Sherzod Artikov has always had a deep fascination with Oriental literature, particularly the works of classical Japanese poets such as Matsuo Basho and Yosa Buson. The exquisite haiku poems and the moving verses of Chinese poet Du Fu have captivated him. Despite his appreciation for Western poetry, Artikov has discovered the allure of Oriental literature. In recent years, he has turned his attention to the beauty of Vietnamese poets and has immersed himself in reading and translating the works of contemporary poets from this country.

Sherzod Artikov has successfully translated and published the works of 15 Vietnamese poets in esteemed literary magazines from Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Turkey. This collaboration has not only allowed Uzbek authors to showcase their partnership with Vietnamese colleagues, but has also provided both sides with valuable new experiences and perspectives. Through these exchanges, they have been able to share their insights about their respective homelands, learn from diverse cultures, expand their knowledge, savor foreign flavors, and forge deeper connections with Vietnamese authors. This collaboration holds immense intellectual value, and Sherzod Artikov is eager to nurture and expand his relationships with Vietnamese authors. Together, they plan to publish books and anthologies that capture the essence and uniqueness of both countries’ literary traditions.