In early July, the Vietnam Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS) had a meeting and worked with the Embassy of Colombia on the implementation of a Vietnam – Colombia mural painting project for an outdoor public area in Hanoi. When completed, the mural paintings are expected to become a symbol of the friendship, understanding and close relationship between the two countries.

The Embassy of Colombia hopes the project will be an opportunity to promote the cultural and artistic values of the two countries, while at the same time bringing positive solutions and messages to improve the ecological environment, and increase the attraction for public spaces in Hanoi.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said the project will ensure compliance with regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control. In terms of funding, the Embassy of Colombia in Vietnam will pay for the construction and composition costs of the Colombian artist. The VICAS will pay the composition fees of the Vietnamese artist from its service revenue.

It is expected that the project will be implemented at Complex 01 in Hanoi in August and that at the Hanoi University of Culture will be implemented in November.