A Buddhist tower honors historical values

Thanh Quang pagoda in Bac Ninh province is known for its 15-story Dai Bi Kim Cuong tower which has 108 gold gilded bronze bells with an auto-strike system. The pagoda is dedicated to not only Buddha but also national heroes.

Located in Man Xa village, Yen Phong district, about 30km from Hanoi, Thanh Quang pagoda is a popular destination for visitors and pilgrims.

The pagoda’s Kim Cuong Dai Bi tower has 158 statues of Buddha and Vietnamese generals and heroes throughout the history of the country from the time of the Hung Kings to that of Ho Chi Minh. Thanh Quang pagoda originally had Tuong Quoc (national general) temple which was dedicated to the Hung Kings and generals with meritorious services to the nation. This temple was destroyed by the French in 1947 and was rebuilt by Man Xa villagers in 2000. The temple has five parts entirely made of wood, with a roof curved in four corners in the shape of a knife.

Kim Cuong Dai Bi tower inThanh Quang pagoda. Photo: Khanh Long

Gold-plated bronze statues and bells are placed on each storey of the tower. Photo: Khanh Long

Kinh Duong Vuong (King of Kinh Duong or the first Hung King) is among the kings revered at the tower. Photo: Viet Cuong

One of 158 gold-plated bronze statues placed at Dai Bi Kim Cuong tower. Photo: Khanh Long

The tower is decorated with glass paintings. Photo: Viet Cuong

The biggestgold-gilded bellin the tower. Photo: Khanh Long

A small gold-gilded bell with an electric auto-strike control device. Photo: Viet Cuong

The tower’s auto-strike main bellstick
. Photo: Viet Cuong

electric auto-strike control device of the bell system. Photo: Khanh Long

A statue on the outer side of the tower. Photo: Viet Cuong

There are nearly 100 statues placed on the outer face of the tower. Photo: Khanh Long

A representative of the
World Records Union (WORLDKINGS)presentsWorld Record certificate to Thanh Quang pagoda. Photo: Files

In 2012, Thanh Quang pagoda was upgraded jointly by local authorities and the Hanaka group, including the building of the 15-story Dai Bi Kim Cuong tower.

The tower not only promotes the values of Buddhism but also honors the merits of the ancestors in the building and defense of the country.

Dai Bi Kim Cuong tower has set a world record for the largest gold gilded bronze bells with the first-ever auto-strike system. Tuong Quoc temple has received seven national records, including being the temple worshipping the largest number of national heroes and generals.
By Khanh Long & Viet Cuong