Top 5 Most Delicious Traditional Dish in Lang Son

Lang Son is a wonderful place for travellers to explore, with beautiful nature and rich culture. Here is top 5 traditional dishes that you must try once you come to Lang Son.


When traveling to Lang Son, you not only are satisfied with the majestic scenery, the soul of the mountains and rivers but also enjoy the delicious specialties and dishes here. To discover the unique flavors of Lang Son, you can go to the restaurants of Tam Thanh Hotel, Bac Son Hotel, Dong Kinh Hotel, Kim Son Hotel, or any other popular or luxurious restaurant in this city. We will recommend 5 famous and delicious dishes in Lang Son that you should try.

1. Roasted Duck in Lang Son

You can find roasted duck all across Asia. China, of course, boasts world-famous versions in Peking and Hong Kong roast duck.

Vietnam also has its own candidate for a roast duck recipe worthy of international attention. It begins with a perfect stuffing mixture made of finely chopped onion, garlic, chilli, pepper, cardamom, anise and a local herd called ‘moc mat’.

Photo: Vinlove
Photo: Vinlove

The mouth-watering, glossy skin is produced by dipping the duck in boiling water laced with honey, roasting it over coals for 15 minutes and then deep-frying for another 15 minutes.

Cooked whole and served carved into pieces, the meat it juicy and tender and has a spicy kick to it. The thin, crispy skin does not have a fatty feel to it because of the unique three-stage cooking process.

This roast duck from Lang Son is surely the equal of its more famous cousins from across the border.

The town of That Khe (Lang Son) now has more than 16 shops selling roast duck infected bile Lang Son.This special dishes not only Lang Son Lang Son favored people that the domestic and foreign tourists to come to Lang Son nor from the “softened” with specialty dishes.

During the banquet or meeting people in Lang Son, especially the Lunar New Year, the restaurants became more crowded, bustling. EnjoyThat Khe roasted duck seemed a habit of people in Lang Son. To create more excitement, the special dishes of Lang Son also enjoy Mau Son wine with mellow and pepper pie or cake friable. The aroma of That Khe roasted duck thereby makes “soft heart” into a far more diners!

If given the opportunity to travel, Lang Son, visitors go once had in any roadside shop, enjoy special dishes of Lang Son in the freezing air of Lang Son, surely will leave guests publications lasting phenomenon!

Sitting in a cozy little eatery between the mountains of Lang Son border area, in the cool climate of the early days, guests will enjoy a special food Lang Son with “incomparable”. It will be an unforgettable experience in Lang Son stays there!

2. Lang Son Sour Pho

Pho is no doubt the most famous one among all Vietnamese traditional cuisines. However, there is not only one but a whole spectrum of different kinds of Pho in Vietnam, one of which is Sour Pho (Pho Chua). Originally from Lang Son, this special dish is the result of the interaction between many cultures of the country.

Photo: pasGo
Photo: pasGo

This specialty is cooked in a very complicated yet interesting way. To savor a bowl of Sour Pho, you have to eat it slowly to enjoy both its taste and smell. Nowadays, even though Sour Pho appears in many restaurants thorough the Northern part of Vietnam, the most delicious one that you can found must be in That Khe, Lang Son.

The dish has two components: the dried ingredients and the soup. The first dried ingredient is the noodle. Unlike other kinds of Pho noodle, it has a relatively small size and tastes really chewy. Potatoes are another important ingredient; they are sliced and fried in boiling oil until they become crispy. The others are pig’s liver and pork side, which are also fried. The last dried ingredient is roast duck, but the cook usually gets it from famous restaurants in That Khe to save the time.

The second component of Sour Pho, the soup, is made solely from garlic, vinegar and sugar. Sometime you might see people adding seasoning powder into this soup. However, the core element of the soup is the juice inside the roast duck, which has both the buttery flavor of duck fat, and the fragrance of the spices added in the roasting process.

All of these ingredients are prepared beforehand by the cook. Whenever an order comes, he will mix them up in such a skillful way that maintain a perfect ratio between soup and noodle so that the ingredients absorb all the spice. The mixing process, though the last step, can be considered as the most important step.

Sour Pho is most popular during summer and autumn. It is considered as the pride of Lang Son people. As a result, it is always served when a special guest visit a Lang Son family.

3. Egg Roll Cake

Photo: Vietnam Reviewer
Photo: Vietnam Reviewer

Roll cake is the breakfast dish chosen by many people in Vietnam. Especially when coming to Lang Son, you can not only enjoy the usual rice rolls but also enjoy the famous egg rolls. This egg roll dish is also coated with rice flour. But instead of the meat and mushrooms, the chef breaks an egg in the middle of the steamer, then covers the pot to make the egg cooked. Then, use a bamboo stick to fold the cake and place it on a plate. Above the plate of rolls is sprinkled with minced meat with attractive golden brown color.

The broth of egg rolls is not the usual fish sauce. But includes a little dry-roasted ground meat, sprinkled with chopped cilantro, and then poured over the fish sauce with onion fat to taste. Especially by the standard of Lang cuisine, each restaurant has an extra jar of bamboo shoots soaked in chili on the table so that customers can freely add to their bowl of sauce.

4. Huu Lung baked rolls

Photo: Vietnam Reviewer
Photo: Vietnam Reviewer

When mentioning spring rolls, many people will immediately think of Thanh Hoa’s famous sour spring roll. But Lang Son baked rolls have a very special flavor (only in Huu Lung district). The strong aroma and the sour smell of fermented meat are intertwined. The baked rolls are grilled on a charcoal stove to burn the peels with banana leaves before peeling and serving on a plate. The baked rolls are served with Ming aralia leaves with sour, sweet, and spicy sauce to create a unique taste that has only in Lang Son.

5. Bac Son Bamboo-tube rice

Cơm lam, “bamboo-tube rice” is a Vietnamese rice dish found in the Northwest Mountainous Area. At present, it becomes a specialities in this area that anyone coming here want to try.

Cơm lam was originated when mountain people, such as the Tháy people, would prepare for long journeys by pressing wet rice, with added salt, into bamboo tubes, and cooking.Cơm lam is also served in Central Highlands food stalls with chicken.

Photo: Phunuvagiadinh
Photo: Phunuvagiadinh

Specifically, they use rice, often glutinous rice, cooked in a tube of bamboo, combine with salted roasted sesame, grilled pork or chicken skewers. The bamboo chosen should be fresh and young so that the new membrane inside the tube can wrap the rice, adding it a special flavor, fragrance and sweetness. To prepare the rice, first fill the tube with about 80% of rice and 10 % of water, in favor of water inherent in bamboo, then adding a little coconut water to make the rice more pleasant; wrap the tube with banana leaves and then burn it on fire until it smells pleasant.

When it is done, the singed skin of the bamboo is removed, leaving a thin cover that is also peeled away when you eat. Sniffing the blending fragrance of fresh bamboo, banana leave, and sticky rice as well as experiencing the sweet flavor of rice, bamboo, and coconut, and the greasy saltiness of sesame, or the great taste of grilled wild boar are certain to induce guests to fall in love with “cơm lam”. A tube of “cơm lam” plus fragrant grilled wild boar taken with a sip of “rượu cần” (literally “straw wine”) is enough for you fall in line with nature and people here.