The enthralling tree-lined road in Long An

Royal Palm Trees planted along a rural road running across verdant rice fields have become a symbol of the countryside in Tan Tru district in the southern province of Long An for 30 years.


Green silk ribbon

People are drawn to the tree lined road called Ong Do Nghi standing out amidst the fields of rice and green dragon fruits nestled between two rows of tall Roystonea regia trees. It, from afar, looks like a “green silk ribbon” Winding and crossing the rice field. Ong Do Nghi route connects the center of Tan Tru town with Duc Tan commune (Tan Tru district, Long An province). For 2 kilometers leading to Duc Tan commune, pedestrians are shaded by foliage of over 300 trees, the trunks of which are as big as a human hug.

Local people said that the Royal Palm trees were planted evenly on both sides of the road about 30 years ago and have been taken care of well. The two rows are now soaring with beautiful shady foliage imparting a sense of tranquility.

The beauty of the road varies by time of the day, season of the year. During the cockcrow, the attraction lies in its dreamy drenched leaves flickering in the misty air. Those two rows of Royal Palms trees then at first light deliciously bask in the golden warmth casting long shadows onto the road, which looks like a deep green strip curling on the dazzling verdant fields. And at eventide, its mesmerizing sunset look will put any passerby into a pensive mood.

The people of Tan Tru district no doubt take great pride in it. Around Lunar New Year time, visitors on the road feel as if they are passing through a thick mantle of fresh aroma of ripe rice fields. On other occasions of the year, this “green silk ribbon” curves across the verdure of those same fields, harmonizing with the warmer shades of ripe fruit gardens and blooming flowers.

“Path to happiness”

These roadside trees have recently become famous for their poetic beauty. At the entrance, visitors’ interest is evoked by a signboard that says “Path to happiness”.

What this road means to locals is manifested by the name itself. On the way home, Mr. Nam (45 years old, from Duc Tan commune) said: “It’s always such a great treat for me as a resident here, to glide through this wondrous scene of this tree lined road every passing day.”

People are also joyous as their homeland road has been paved which clearly is an adornment. This place becomes a source of solace for those feeling spent, sorrowful or just in need of somewhere sunless and breezy, or simply for lovers of beauty.

“In the afternoon, surrounding people also come here to exercise, some go for a run, and others ride a bike, or go for a cool stroll to relish the fresh air,” Mr. Nam said.

The one-of-a-kind road is also a go-to for many couples to do their wedding shoots, or for photography enthusiasts, and tourists elsewhere who admire homely attractiveness.

Mr. Long, a tourist from Ho Chi Minh City, said that over 10 years ago there was a Royal Palm tree “fever”. This gorgeous and intact scenery is the fruit of great dedication by the locals since the day in 1992 when these trees were first planted.

‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây
‘Con đường hạnh phúc’ đẹp mê mẩn, có một không hai ở miền Tây

Nguyen Son