Pathomics Health and MAHSA Health sign MOU to launch Joint Centre

Pathomics Health, an organization with a mission to provide accessible advanced clinical diagnostics, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MAHSA Health to set up a Joint Centre for Research and Diagnostics Services for Precision Wellness and Clinical Research at MAHSA Avenue.


The collaboration focuses on health and wellness screening with MAHSA Health to optimize the well-being of individuals in Malaysia. Clinical research will also be part of the partnership to further support clinicians in their clinical care for patients across MAHSA Health’s network of hospitals and clinics.

Combined expertise from both parties to make a significant impact on the health and wellness of MAHSA Health’s patients and cement the Joint Centre’s position as a Centre of Excellence for genomics to support MAHSA Health in its advancement of health care services, research, and innovation in ASEAN.

The changing lifestyles of the affluent middle-class lead to the disease burden shifting from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. As the middle class becomes more aware of NCDs, there is a higher demand for health check-ups and more effective diagnostics. With the use of genomics testing advancement, individuals can now better uncover their underlying risks profile to NCDs and take more proactive actions to better manage their health.

For the past 10 years, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is among the leading causes of death and morbidity in Malaysia. CVDs ranked first among the ten principal causes of death in government hospitals (21.65%) and ranked second in private hospitals (23.79%). While the elderly are at risk of developing CVDs, studies suggest that 1 in 5 heart attack patients are younger than 40 years old. It is a myth that heart attacks only occur to the old. Young adults should take proactive care of their health.

Malaysia has one of the highest incidences of diabetes in the world. According to the Malaysian 2019 national survey report, for ≥18 years old age group, 3.6 million adults had diabetes, 49% (3.7 million) cases were undiagnosed. It is estimated that diabetes can affect 7 million of Malaysian adults, posing a major public health risk with a diabetes prevalence of 31.3%.

Cancer is among the most common causes of death in Malaysia. Most cases are only discovered at late stages resulting in poor therapy outcomes. Rising direct and indirect costs of cancers impact on both the patient and family. Approximately 45% of Malaysian cancer survivors spend over 30% of their household income on cancer care within the first year of diagnosis. Early diagnosis of cancer can lead to a better likelihood of effective treatment which in turn can increase the chances of survival, less morbidity and less therapy costs.

In 2020, 49,000 new cancer cases were estimated in Malaysia and are projected to rise to more than 66,000 per year by 2030. Approximately 50% of total cancer cases are due to breast, colorectal and lung cancers in Malaysia. The leading causes of death for Malaysian women suffering from cancer is breast and cervical cancer. The screening uptake and frequency for breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate cancers can be better. The poor response to cancer screening can be due to a lack of awareness on the available screening methods, support from family members and family doctors.

“With the advancement of medical science, everyone should have access to precision wellness and be empowered to lead healthier lifestyles and better therapy outcomes with early interventions. The genomics profiling test is a start for an individual to better understand one’s health risks profile for Cardiovascular, Cancer and Diabetes. We have a network of healthcare professionals who will support those with a high risk of NCD to take proactive family planning measures, and lifestyle changes to better lower their risks. The diverse health screening test options, it also acts as a compass for family physicians to personalize health screening tests to better meet their patients’ unique health profile. ” Michael Tan, Director of Pathomics Health.

MAHSA Health Sdn Bhd is a Malaysia-grown company, part of MAHSA Group of Companies, which is determined to be a revolutionary leader in healthcare. Since its inception in 2017, MAHSA Health has been striving to be at the forefront of primary healthcare, focusing on family health and wellness.

Pathomics Health focuses on advanced precision medicine diagnostics & digital healthcare solutions–in particular, but not limited to cancer. Since 2016, Pathomics Health has been driving excellence to unlock actionable genomics insights to enhance patient care. Pathomics Health forged its first public-private partnership with the University of Malaya in 2016. In 2021, Pathomics Health was appointed by Qiagen as its preferred laboratory outsourcing next-generation sequencing research solutions partner for ASEAN markets.

In 2022, Pathomics Health sets up its clinical diagnostics and research facilities in Singapore, focusing on Infectious Diseases and Oncology and hereby expanding its operations from Malaysia. Pathomics Health supports the acceleration of healthcare and life science research in ASEAN markets by providing outsourcing research testing services in addition to its clinical diagnostics services. In 2022, Singviva, an insurance partner of MY IRC Sdn Bhd, appointed Pathomics Health as its sole genomics risk profiling diagnostics lab partner for their policyholders.

With its latest collaboration with MAHSA, Pathomics health will provide the Malaysian public and medical tourists visiting Malaysia access to its advanced health screening tools beyond genomics profiling tests services offered across MAHSA health network of primary care clinics and hospitals. Pathomics health and MAHSA are committed to improving primary healthcare and pushing the frontiers of clinical research and advanced digital healthcare solutions in precision wellness, infectious diseases screening and pharmacogenomics

“With the collaboration with Pathomics Health, we look forward to advancing primary healthcare in the era of precision wellness for our patients for better health outcomes. We are excited of this opportunity to make a difference in the combat of Cancer, Cardiovascular and Diabetes for Malaysians. ” Datin Dr. Maya Kumutha, Chief Executive Officer of MAHSA Health

Pathomics Health
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