Vietnamese pin high hopes on National Party Congress

The 13th National Party Congress, which is taking place in Hanoi, is of great significance to socio-political life in Vietnam. As the gathering is now underway, many people have expressed their hopes and expectations over the congress’s outcomes.


The congress is taking place in the context that the country is facing both challenges and opportunities, with various new strategic issues needed to be solved.

The congress is held at a time when the entire Party, people and army have successfully implemented many guidelines, targets and tasks set in the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, contributing to great and significant achievements gained during 35 years of renewal, 30 years of implementing the 1991 Political Platform, 10 years of implementing the 2011 Platform, and in the implementation of the 2011-2020 Socio-economic Development Strategy.

The congress will select new leaders and shape policy for Vietnam over the next five years. Many Vietnamese citizens have voiced an expectation that the upcoming changes in leadership and policies will bring further development.

All streets around Vietnam are decorated with flowers, bandroles, posters and flags marking the 13th National Party Congress. The upbeat atmosphere mirrors people’s attitudes and expectations towards the great event of the Party and the entire country./.