Horse Riding Academy

The Horse Riding Academy will have up to 300 stables which offer professional horse care services. There will also be a high-end veterinary hospital and a special area for horse riding.
Spacious and Comfortable Space

The school has a spacious and comfortable space.
Expert Care

The horses are cared for by experts who have acquired a wealth of experience in the field.
Rare Imported Horses

The academy houses some of the rare horses which are imported from the United States, the UK, and the Netherlands.
Training Courses at Different Levels

The school offers training courses at different levels from amateur to professional. Notably, it equips trainees with skills needed to become a jockey. Photographed is a corner of a plain terrain area for horse riding.
Relaxing Activities

In the plain terrain area for horse riding, trainees are able to participate in relaxing activities and challenge themselves to reach the professional level.
Multi-purpose Horse Area

Practitioners can also join challenging activities as they show off special skills in the multi-purpose horse area.
Children's Training Courses

Children can also learn to ride horses, with their training courses supervised with strict standards on safety.