Emmanuelle Charrier, counselor of cooperation and cultural activities and director of the French Institute in Vietnam, expressed high expectations for the Vietnamese online version of Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on its 20th anniversary. Her statement was translated and edited by Tuoi Tre News.

Established over 48 years ago, Tuoi Tre has solidified its reputation as one of Vietnam’s oldest, most credible, and reliable newspapers.

Despite my recent arrival in Vietnam for my current assignment, I quickly noticed Tuoi Tre’s extensive recognition and coverage.

In my view, Tuoi Tre is a highly professional newspaper, delivering not only timely news but also in-depth and well-crafted content.

I commend the quality of the articles and acknowledge the commitment and efficiency of the Tuoi Tre team in fulfilling their duties.

Notably, I appreciate the dynamic and dedicated nature of the journalists who regularly collaborate with us.

On the occasion of Tuoi Tre Online’s 20th anniversary, I hope the newspaper continues to leverage its strengths.

Beyond current affairs, I look forward to articles with in-depth research, exploring various perspectives and demonstrating expertise in the fields and topics covered.

I also want to express my gratitude to the Tuoi Tre team for their continuous support for the French Institute.

Your assistance significantly contributes to delivering accurate information to the public, meeting our expectations regarding the dissemination of valuable information related to the cultural and educational activities of the French Institute.

It is unfortunate that there is no French version of Tuoi Tre.

I have read the English version, Tuoi Tre News, which adopts a foreign journalistic style and offers a distinct perspective from the Vietnamese content.

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