Vu Quang National Park, located in Ha Tinh’s Vu Quang District, is home to a four-hectare island in Ngan Truoi Lake, which serves as a sanctuary for monkeys being reintroduced into the wild. The island provides a safe space for these primates to readapt to their natural habitat, with staff closely monitoring their progress.

Over 25 monkeys have been released on the island in the past year, in collaboration with the Animals Asia Foundation. Of these, 12 remain, including stump-tailed macaques, an Assam macaque, northern pig-tailed macaques, and Indochinese rhesus macaques. The rest have ventured out to other areas within the park.

The island in Ngan Truoi Lake provides a natural habitat for the monkeys. Photo: Le Minh / Tuoi Tre

This initiative is part of the park’s crucial role in biodiversity preservation. Vu Quang National Park is renowned for its diverse range of endangered and rare species, and this island project is a testament to their commitment to conservation. By reintroducing these primates back into the wild, the park is ensuring the long-term survival of these magnificent creatures.

Monkeys released on the island, a collaborative effort between Vu Quang National Park and Animals Asia Foundation. Photo: Le Minh / Tuoi Tre

The monkeys released on the island were entrusted to the park by the forest ranger unit of Kim Mon District in Hai Duong Province. After careful observation and rehabilitation, they were deemed ready to return to their natural habitat. The park staff continue to monitor their activities, ensuring a smooth transition back into the wild.

Rangers play a crucial role in releasing and monitoring the monkeys. Photo: Le Minh / Tuoi Tre

Vu Quang National Park’s efforts extend beyond this island project. The park, situated in a globally significant ecological zone, is a vital biodiversity hub for the Central Truong Son area and the wider ASEAN region. Its work in conservation and environmental security is making a lasting impact on the natural world.

The successful reintroduction of monkeys back into the wild is a testament to the park’s conservation efforts. Photo: Le Minh / Tuoi Tre
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