“A Fragile Flower” is a captivating tale that showcases the indomitable spirit and optimism of a talented Vietnamese singer. This enchanting film features a talented cast of Vietnamese singers and actors, including Maya, Trizzie Phuong Trinh, Anh Dung, and Khanh Hoang.
Directed by Mai Thu Huyen and Jacqueline Thu Thao, this romantic musical drama is set to be released nationwide on April 18.
It was showcased at the International Women Filmmakers Festival (IWFF) in Turkey from February 26 to March 2, and is scheduled to be screened in the United States starting from March 29 and in India from May 31.
The Cannes International Film Festival is renowned as the world’s most prestigious film festival, attracting filmmakers from all around the globe. It is a highly anticipated cultural event that receives wide-ranging media coverage.
Vietnamese singers compete at MTV EMA 2020, ATA 2020
Popular singer Jack and rap sensation Binz have become two Vietnamese representatives to compete at the MTV EMA 2020 and ATA 2020, IMC Group, which operates the MTV Vietnam channel, announced earlier this week.