From August, the Road-Railway Traffic Police Division (PC08) started to impose punishment on drivers under the influence of drug and alcohol in accordance with the Law on Preventing Alcohol’s Harmful Effects.
According to the new law, the mere presence of alcohol in one’s body already amounts to a violation, while an alcohol level of 0.4 mg/l of breath or 80mg/100ml of blood would attract the most severe punishments for drunk driving.
Traffic police officers will extend their ongoing check of drivers in the influence of drug and alcohol in bus stations, ports, discotheques, restaurants, and street eateries. Surveillance cameras will be used as evidence-based record for dealing with violators having hostility towards law enforcement officials.
The office of the government has sent its document to people’s committees nationwide urging to reduce traffic accidents in 6 last months of the year as per Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, Chairman of the National Committee for Traffic Safety.
Authorities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City must intensify adopting solutions to tackle traffic congestion especially speeding up major infrastructure projects including double-track rail line Nhon – Hanoi, Ring Road 4 and 5 in Hanoi, Ring Road 3 and 4.
Furthermore, the two big cities must improve public transport service and issue harsh penalties on urban disorder violations.
Khuat Viet Hung, deputy chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, observed the new rule against drink driving have the widespread public support. Therefore, in the upcoming time, the National Traffic Safety Committee will urge related agencies and local administrations to implement the Traffic year 2020 themed “ Not driving after drinking”.
Especially, traffic police officers will increase supervision in provinces with bad traffic order with focus on checking vehicle registration, driving training and issuance of driving license.
After the decree 100, the government has issued new decree 117 on administrative fines in the field of medicine. The new decree 117 officially taking effect on November 15 says that people under 18 will be fined VND200,000 – VND500,000 (US$8.6 – US$21.5) if they drink alcohol. Those who insist other to drink liquor also receive penalty of VND500,000 – VND1 million while people drinking in office hours or forcing other to drink will be fined VND1 million – VND3 million.
Drink driving is the key culprit behind the majority of traffic accidents. Around 40 percent of traffic accidents in Vietnam are linked to excessive drinking, according to the WHO, which said it was an alarming rate for a country where road crashes kill a person every hour, on average.

By Minh Hai – Translated by Uyen Phuong, @SGGP