No specific date for the reopening was mentioned at the meeting, with each locality to decide this on its own.

Vietnam had closed all non-essential business services in late March in an unprecedented move to contain the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. The closure resulted in huge job losses and financial damage.

Related: Hanoi orders to shut down all bars, massage parlors, karaoke clubs, cinemas and more

Since May 7, 2020, the government leader has allowed localities to organize events with large gatherings, including sports events and festivals, in public places, but people are still advised to wear face masks and use hand sanitizers. However, he said at a Thursday meeting that karaoke parlors and disco bars will remain closed, as the Covid-19 pandemic was still developing in a complicated manner in Asia, the U.S. and Europe.

Vietnam’s Covid-19 tally rose to 332 Monday night with the confirmation of a new case. Of these, 316 have recovered and the remaining 16 are active cases receiving treatment.