Octa’s Local Impact: CSR Initiatives in 2023

In 2023, Octa, the international broker, went beyond financial endeavors. It made a meaningful impact through a range of corporate social responsibility initiatives across the globe.


Octa significantly enhanced its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in 2023 by carrying out 21 projects that had a lasting impact on local communities worldwide. These projects were designed to address emergency response needs and enhance educational opportunities for underprivileged students. Octa reached out to over 5,700 individuals, making meaningful changes in their lives.


Education for all, everywhere

Recognizing the importance of education in shaping the future, Octa dedicated a significant part of its CSR efforts to improving educational opportunities for underprivileged students. This directly benefited 100 educational institutions and over 3,300 students. Here are some of the projects Octa carried out in 2023:

In Malaysia, Octa helped supply educational centers across Malaysia with complex IT resources and sponsored the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum exam fees for Malaysian students under the guardianship of the educational organization Ideas Academy.

In India, Octa helped equip Sita Rajaram Public School and Sita Rajaram Polytechnic College in Tamil Nadu, India, with two interactive panels. This initiative aimed to enhance the quality of education and provide students with an innovative learning experience.

In Indonesia, Octa supported the humanitarian organization Yayasan Tunas Aksara (YTA) in training four schools and ten teachers to manage and organize book libraries.

In Nigeria, Chess in Slums Africa (CISA), in collaboration with Octa, organized a Children’s Day celebration for 150 children from marginalized communities and three public schools. The children, aged 5 to 18, had an opportunity to interact and enhance their reasoning skills while playing chess.

In Mexico, Octa joined forces with the charitable organization Pauta to create two science workshops for 300 girls, boys, and adolescents from different schools.

‘At Octa, we recognize that education is a driving force behind a thriving society. Our commitment to educational projects stems from the belief that knowledge is the most powerful tool to shape a brighter future. By investing in scholarships, learning materials, teacher training, and infrastructure development, we not only empower individual students but also contribute to the overall development of local communities,’ commented the Octa press office.

Emergency response initiatives

Dedicated to the well-being of local communities, Octa assisted more than 2,400 individuals affected by natural disasters in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nigeria. This support included essential supplies such as food and daily necessities, as well as contributing to long-term recovery plans, which ensured that affected people could fully rebuild their lives after severe storms, floods, and earthquakes.

In Malaysia, Octa provided emergency aid in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia, where over 17,000 people had to be evacuated due to intense flooding.

In Indonesia, Octa provided emergency help for the victims of the devastating effects of flooding, landslides, and erosion in Banjar Pebuahan, Jembrana, in Bali on July 6 – 7, 2023.

In Nigeria, the broker provided emergency support after a severe flood that resulted in over 600 deaths, 2,400 injuries, and the displacement of 1.4 million people. Octa helped renovate and equip Anam New City School’s flood-damaged classrooms, provided 42 small businesses with financial support to either revive or restart their operations, and donated farming supplies, including Yam and Cassava, to 65 local farmers.

‘As a company, we believe in the profound importance of emergency response projects and are committed to making a positive difference in the communities where we operate. In 2023, we helped hundreds of families that experienced devastating environmental conditions. From extreme storms in Bali to flooding in Kelantan, Malaysia, we were there with the people we serve, providing not only immediate relief but also long-term recovery help,’ commented the Octa press office.

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