Bac Ha’s Tam Hoa plums are greenish-red and tastier than other plums.

This year, Bac Ha district has seen an estimated output of over 3,500 tonnes of Tam Hoa plums, an increase of 450 tonnes year-on-year.

To boost the consumption of Tam Hoa plums, the district’s authorities have focused on advertising the fruit on e-commerce platforms. Most recently, the district’s centre for agricultural services has coordinated with Lao Cai provincial Post to commence the sale of Tam Hoa plums on the Postmart e-commerce platform.

Tam Hoa plum trees in Bac Ha plateau begin to ripen at the end of May, and the harvesting season takes place in June every year.

A five-year-old plum tree can produce many quintals of fruits.

Tam Hoa plums have a sweet-and-sour taste and have small pits.

Ripe Tam Hoa plums on sale at a local market in Bac Ha town.

Tam Hoa plums are sold at an average of price of VND30,000 to VND35,000 per kilogramme.