Lepironia articulata, a plant species native to the southern provinces of Dong Thap, Long An, and Kien Giang, can be found in this region. It is known to be an important source of food and shelter for local fauna. Additionally, it is used in traditional medicine and has been used as a construction material in some areas.

Local residents use the plant’s resources to create beautiful, handmade handicrafts. Crafting these items is a time-honored tradition in the area, and the products are often exported to other areas of the world.

However, Phan Tan Phat, the director of ECO PTP Trading and Producing Co. Ltd., has taken a step towards sustainability by replacing single-use plastic straws with eco-friendly alternatives. By doing this, he is helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste and pollution in the environment.

Startup with lush wild grass can be an exciting and rewarding venture. It is often a sustainable way to create a business or to improve existing natural areas. There are many benefits to starting a business with wild grass, including improving soil quality, providing habitat for wildlife, and increasing aesthetic value. It can also be a great way to make money, as many businesses are now offering services related to wild grass management, such as seed production and landscaping. With careful planning and guidance, starting a business with wild grass can be a great way to make a living while doing something that is beneficial to the environment.

Mature Lepironia articulata trees can reach up to one meter in height. Not only that, but their hollow stems make them perfect for producing straws.

Phat, born in Binh Thanh Trung Commune, Lap Vo District, Dong Thap Province, holds a university degree in accounting and had earlier worked in both Dong Thap and other provinces.

During a business trip to the north of Vietnam, he was delighted to discover bamboo straws being used in a restaurant. He immediately fell in love with them.

He found that customers are increasingly showing a preference for eco-friendly products.

He was inspired by his childhood memories of the countryside, and his idea was to create a product that was both sustainable and local.

He started thinking about his startup. Although he wasn’t sure what to do at the time, he wanted to take advantage of local materials to develop his startup’s product. He was motivated by his fond memories of the countryside, and his idea was to create a product that was both sustainable and reflective of the local area.

At that time, Dong Thap Province had straws crafted from rice flour with a plethora of types and designs.

Phat recalled that fresh Lepironia articulata straws were quite popular in Ho Chi Minh City, but rare in Dong Thap.

He gathered Lepironia articulata in Dong Thap, but he soon realized he would need more supplies to make his business idea a reality. So, he traveled to the provinces of Long An and Kien Giang in order to acquire additional supplies.

“The product is carefully crafted by hand. Our cutting machines and dryers are used to perfect the straws,” Phat stated.

When making the decision to quit his stable job and start his own business in his homeland, Phat was filled with worry, as the idea for the venture was still rather murky.

He had to meticulously calculate the costs for machinery, materials, packaging, and applications for licenses.

Grass straws require a large amount of resources to produce. It takes approximately 250-300 Lepironia articulata trees to make around 300 straws, which have a sale price of VND350-400 (equivalent to more than 1 US cent each).

Lepironia articulata stems are carefully washed multiple times, cut into small pieces, classified, dried, polished, and then packaged. This process ensures that the stems are of the highest quality.

Except for the drying and cutting steps, other steps in the process are manually performed by a team of roughly ten people.

Frankly, Phat ventured into the business with a requirement of VND200 million ($8,462) – despite being penniless – having to rely on his relatives for the funds.

After surveying the market and customers’ demand, he introduced his product on social media first with the aim of popularizing the product.

Thanks to my relationships, I have been able to offer my product to high-end restaurants and hotels. By leveraging my connections, I have been able to expand the reach of my product, giving it the chance to succeed in the most prestigious of establishments.

As a result, grass straws have become increasingly popular among foreign travelers. Many American customers have visited Phat’s company and purchased the product, demonstrating its growing popularity.

Unlock High Export Potential with Strategic Planning

The potential for exporting goods and services to new markets can be a great opportunity for businesses. However, to unlock the full potential of exporting, strategic planning and careful execution are essential. Companies must consider the cost of production, potential markets, customer needs, and the competition. Additionally, businesses should consider the legal and regulatory implications of exporting, as well as the risk of currency fluctuations. With a well-crafted plan, businesses can maximize their export potential and reap the associated rewards.

His company produces 50,000-100,000 straws every month to fulfill orders. By 2022, his company had supplied approximately two million grass straws to the market, with half of them being exported to the U.S. and Europe.

Tran Thi Cam, Deputy Head of the Economy-Infrastructure Division of Lap Vo District, stated that the product is relatively new but has been able to meet the needs of certain consumer groups and has great potential for export.

This local startup‘s product has received a great deal of attention and support from the locality. It is clear to see that the community is committed to the success of this venture.

As the main material for the product in the province is not available in sufficient quantities and must be purchased from other provinces, the product does not qualify for the One Commune, One Product (OCOP) program.

“Nevertheless,” Cam declared, “this is great news for local economic development!”

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Stems of Lepironia articulata, a type of wild grass native to salt-marsh areas in Vietnam, are being used to manufacture straws that are becoming increasingly popular within luxury restaurants and are favored by many foreign customers.

Lepironia articulata can be found in the southern provinces of Dong Thap, Long An, and Kien Giang. This species of sedge is native to tropical wetlands and is an integral part of the region’s rich biodiversity. It is used both for food and for medicinal purposes, and its presence is important for maintaining the health of local ecosystems.

Local residents use the plant to create beautiful, handmade crafts. From intricately woven baskets to decorative trinkets and sculptures, the plant provides a great source of materials for these one-of-a-kind creations.

Phan Tan Phat, director of ECO PTP Trading and Producing Co. Ltd., has transformed single-use plastic straws into eco-friendly alternatives. This ingenious move has enabled the company to reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the environment.

Launch a Business with Wild Grasses

Starting a business with wild grasses is a great way to diversify your income stream and make a difference in the environment. Wild grasses are an abundant, renewable resource that can be used for a variety of applications, from landscaping to forage for livestock. With a little bit of know-how and the right resources, you can start a business with wild grasses that will not only generate income but also help protect and preserve our environment.

To get started, you’ll need to do some research on the types of wild grasses available in your area. You’ll also need to determine what you want to use the grasses for, such as landscaping or forage. Once you’ve identified a suitable grass species, you will need to obtain a permit from your local municipality or the state Department of Natural Resources. With a permit in hand, you can begin to collect and cultivate wild grasses.

Next, you will need to develop a business plan, including a budget for supplies, labor, and marketing. You will also need to consider the costs of storing and transporting the grasses. Once you have a plan in place, you can begin to collect wild grasses and prepare them for sale.

Finally, you will need to market your business and your product. You can reach out to local landscaping companies, farmers, and other businesses that may be interested in purchasing the wild grasses you collect. You can also use online platforms to sell your product directly to consumers.

By launching a business with wild grasses, you can make a difference in the environment while also creating a unique and profitable income stream. With the right resources and a bit of know-how, you can start a business with wild grasses that will benefit both you and the environment.

Mature Lepironia articulata trees are often one meter high and have hollow stems, making them ideal for producing straws. Their size and hollowed-out structure make them an excellent choice for this purpose.

Phat, born in Binh Thanh Trung Commune, Lap Vo District, Dong Thap Province, holds a university degree in accounting and has previously worked in both Dong Thap and other provinces.

During a business trip to the stunning north of Vietnam, he saw eco-friendly bamboo straws being used in a restaurant and he instantly fell in love with them.

He discovered that customers are increasingly choosing eco-friendly products.

He started thinking about his startup. He wanted to take advantage of local materials to develop a product for his business, though he wasn’t sure what to do at the time.

At that time, Dong Thap Province had straws made of rice flour with various types and designs.

Phat recalled that fresh lepironia articulata straws were quite popular in Ho Chi Minh City but rare in Dong Thap.

Therefore, he collected Lepironia articulata in Dong Thap. Unsatisfied with the amount he had collected, he traveled to Long An and Kien Giang Provinces to buy more, thus turning his start-up idea into a reality.

“The product is crafted by hand,” Phat said. “We use cutting machines and dryers to finish the straws.”

When making the decision to quit his stable job and start his own business in his homeland, Phat was filled with worry, as the specifics of his business idea were still unclear.

He had to meticulously analyze the expenses for machinery, materials, packaging, and applications for permits.

Grass straws require a large volume of materials to produce. In order to create approximately 300 straws of a quality that can be sold for VND350-400, or more than 1 U.S. cent each, approximately 250–300 Lepironia articulata trees are needed.

Lepironia articulata stems are thoroughly washed and then cut into pieces. After that, they are classified, dried, polished and finally packaged for sale.

Except for the drying and cutting steps, the remaining steps of the process are performed manually by approximately ten people.

Frankly speaking, Phat ventured into the business, despite having no money of his own. In fact, the required capital was at least VND200 million ($8,462), which he had to borrow from his relatives.

After surveying the market and customers’ demand, he strategically introduced his product on social media in order to popularize the product.

Thanks to my strong relationships, I have been able to offer my product to high-end restaurants and hotels.

As a result, grass straws have become increasingly popular amongst foreign travelers. Many American customers have visited Phat’s company and purchased the product, highlighting the demand for this eco-friendly alternative.

High Export Potential – Companies of all sizes have the potential to benefit from exporting their goods and services to other countries. With the right strategies and adequate research, businesses can maximize their export potential and increase their chances of success in new markets. Investing in international marketing and business development can help companies reach new customers and open up new revenue streams. By taking steps to reduce risk and develop an understanding of foreign markets, businesses can take advantage of the high export potential that exists in today’s global economy.

His company produces 50,000-100,000 straws per month to meet customer demands. In 2022, they supplied approximately two million straws to the market, with half of them being exported to the U.S. and Europe.

Tran Thi Cam, the Deputy Head of the Economy-Infrastructure Division of Lap Vo District, has expressed her opinion that the product is quite new but is already meeting the demands of some customer groups and has the potential for export. With this in mind, she believes it has a promising future.

This locally-produced product has attracted great attention from the local area and is receiving strong support. The startup behind the product is proud to have its creation embraced by the local community.

As the main material for the product in the province is not sufficient to meet the demand, it must be sourced from other provinces, meaning it is not eligible for One Commune, One Product (OCOP) program.

“Nevertheless,” Cam proclaimed, “this is good news for local economic development!”

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