Speaking at the opening ceremony, Consul General Nguyen Quang Trung provided participants with an overview of the Vietnamese culinary art and acknowledged the contributions made by the Vietnamese community and Vietnamese cuisine in enhancing the diversity of Vancouver’s food scene, as well as Canada’s culinary landscape in general.

The diplomat also briefed the audience on the favorable business environment and investment prospects in Vietnam, highlighting the mutual benefits that can be derived from the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), of which both Vietnam and Canada are members.

At present, the Vietnamese community in Canada comprises approximately 300,000 individuals, with around 21,000 Vietnamese students pursuing their education in the country. This significant population serves as a valuable resource and forms the social foundation for fostering bilateral relations between the two nations, particularly in terms of cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.

Since the establishment of the Comprehensive Partnership in 2017, Vietnam and Canada have witnessed positive advancements in their relationship. Vietnam has emerged as Canada’s largest trading partner in ASEAN, acting as a gateway for Canadian businesses to access the Southeast Asian and Asia-Pacific markets. Reciprocally, Canada has become Vietnam’s second largest partner in the Americas. In 2022, bilateral trade between the two countries reached US$7 billion, with expectations for the figure to increase to US$10 billion in 2023.

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