The course is part of the E-MOTIONS project to promote connectivity and creativity among film-makers. It was launched in 2020 by the UNESCO in coordination with the Centre for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (TPD), the Wallonie-Bruxelles delegation in Vietnam, HK Film, WallSound, Hanoi Grapevine, and Colab Vietnam.

The course includes three sessions conducted via Zoom webinars, featuring the participation of internationally acclaimed guest speakers Sarah Schlüssel from Berlinale’s Short Form Station, Delphine Jeanneret from Locarno International Film Festival and Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, and filmmaker-author Clarissa Jacobson.

The first session, hosted by filmmaker-author Clarissa Jacobson, will dive deep into her film-making journey, film promotion, and submitting films to festivals. It will focus on how to have a successful run and create buzz for a film, from how to get the film out into the festival circuit to getting reviews, handling rejections, promoting on social media, and handling the networking.

During the second session, German cultural manager Sarah Schlüssel will share her insightful and interesting observations into the changes of submitted and selected films over time. Additionally, she also will help the participating filmmakers get to know other resources at film festivals such as Berlinale Short Form Station and Berlinale Talents.

The last session will present film curator and educator, Delphine Jeanneret, who will dissect the opportunities and challenges for both filmmakers and audiences recently seen at offline, online and hybrid film festivals and events during the pandemic.