The sea turtle, scientifically known as Chelonia Mydas, is listed as an endangered species by the government and is considered rare and valuable, prioritized for protection.
The turtle, measuring over 1.1 meters in length and 60 centimeters in width, was found in a state of decay.
According to a city official, the mature turtle was determined to be a female and weighed approximately 80 kilograms.
It is believed that the reptile had died a few days prior to its discovery.
An examination of the turtle revealed a long slash on its shell, suggesting that it may have been injured by a ship’s propeller while swimming.
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HCMC’s zoo to increase entrance fees next year
HCMC – The Saigon Zoo and Botanical Garden will increase its entrance fees from January 1, 2021, from the current VND30,000 to VND40,000 per child under 1.3 meters and from VND50,000 to VND60,000 per adult to increase revenues to ensure the animals will have better care, the zoo’s operator announced early this week.