Festival honours Mother Goddesses worship

NDO – The second open festival on “Practices Related to Viet Beliefs in the Mother Goddesses in Three Realms” of Thanh Hoa province was organised at the Phu Nua relic site, Tan Ninh commune, Trieu Son district, on April 13.


The festival features the participation of 35 artisans and thanh dong (mediums) from Thanh Hoa, Nam Dinh, Hai Phong, Nghe An and Thai Nguyen provinces.

The festival is held in reponse to a national action programme to preserve and promote the values of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity ‘Mother Goddesses worship’, and celebrate the 990th anniversary of the province’s naming.

Held over the course of four days, from April 13 to 16, the artisans and thanh dong will practice 112 gia dong (incarnation).

After each performance of hau dong (spirit mediumship), the organising board and artisans from teams will exchange on the lyrics and music to preserve and promote the beauty in traditional ceremonial rituals and innovations suitable for contemporary society.

The worship is based on an ancient system of beliefs in the incarnation of various deities channelled through mediums and believed to provide good health and prosperity.

The ceremony showcases rites and art performances honouring the unique values of the Mother Goddesses’ cultural and historical tradition.

The practice meets the belief-related needs by people in their daily life and has been closely associated with historical and cultural figures, such as Lieu Hanh (referred to as the Mother of the World), as well as other spirits considered to be legendary national heroes.