Daily Love Horoscope for August 29: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Daily Love Horoscope for August 29: It's better to be safe than sorry as the comprehensive Capricorn Moon forms supportive aspects to innate Neptune, pragmatic Pluto, and sincere Saturn today, according to Tarot.


Daily Love Planetary Overview

daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Although we want to abandon ourselves to romance, we might have to focus on an important professional matter first. Mindful Mercury forms a harmonious trine to jubilant Jupiter, reminding us that our current love connections are resilient enough to withstand some time apart.

Postponing a romantic date is the right move while the Moon maintains a hard angle to permissive Venus and passionate Mars. Anticipation definitely has a sexy side.

Daily Love Zodiac Horoscope for August 29


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: The powerful energy you possess right now is doing quite a number on your professional world, but you’re also seeing its mighty effects on your love life. Prepare to have a much-needed talk with a new love interest or a committed partner: If you’ve been avoiding having such a pointed conversation lately, summoning your confidence can help you rise to the occasion and speak your piece, with a dose of persuasion. Don’t shy away from your bold mood today: Embrace it, and use it to ramp up matters of the heart exactly as you see fit.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Adding not a dash but a healthy dollop of creativity to matters of the heart could deliver delectable dividends today. Even if you’re not quite ready to make a bigger commitment to someone you’re interested in at the moment, you’re definitely into carrying on your connection as it is. If you’re already in a long-term partnership, making deals will take priority as you find yourself bartering certain household chores for seductive services. Making concessions has never felt this sexy!


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: An unexpected influx of cold, hard cash could come your way while mental Mercury forms an auspicious trine with generous Jupiter in your 8th House of Shared Resources today. A great opportunity to take some big steps in your love life is upon you: After putting away a good chunk of your windfall, use the rest to amp up matters of the heart. Purchasing something for a sweetheart, or coming up with a thoughtful and creative surprise could do wonders for your love connection, especially if you haven’t experienced much excitement together lately. Whatever you choose to do, be lavish and learn how to truly revel in your shared experiences.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Tension in your love relationship may be brewing if your mate is becoming jealous of your current success, or if they believe they deserve the kind of attention you’re receiving at this moment. Thankfully, you have the good sense to try and share the spotlight, and your graceful approach means your darling will be none the wiser. Since you value your collaborative synergy, taking this equitable path will serve you well right now. Above all else, when it comes to matters of the heart, you want to preserve harmony and you’ll do what it takes to keep the peace, even if you have to make a small sacrifice today.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: If you know where to find it, or even if you don’t, there will be magic in your romantic interactions today. You’re feeling so much passionate joy toward someone in your love life at this moment, that it seems like nothing can dampen your spirits. An important goal of yours is to reduce or even eliminate routine in an important love relationship and create more spontaneity to boost matters of the heart. You are tweaking your passionate world as you go, because you’re always digging deeper for more joy, more connection, and more love. Don’t stop now!


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Big romantic rewardsare coming to you since you’ve been collecting positive karma in your love life, especially while Mercury, your ruling planet, forms a positive aspect to jubilant Jupiter today. If you’re trying to attract someone new in your romantic world, your creativity can radically amp up your charm. If you’re part of a bonded pair, you can have an equally auspicious day: This is a time to realize that your partnership may be ready to enter an adventurous, ambitious, and propitious chapter. All signs point to sexy success, no matter what your current relationship status is. Make the absolute most of it!


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Pursuing a passionate dream is in the cosmic cards today as Mercury forms an auspicious trine with jocund Jupiter. Collaborating with someone you’re involved with may not have seemed like a viable notion before, but at this moment it feels like an obvious and potentially profitable endeavor. Make sure the venture you’re undertaking is in alignment with your heart’s most authentic and honest dreams. Trusting in the wisdom of someone you love could be the smartest move you could make right now. Such sexy synergy has success written all over it.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Someone observing your wild, bold moves in your love life might think of you as reckless, but because trusting your intuition always leads you in the right direction, you feel confident in your radical actions right now. Whatever romantic setbacks you encounter, you’ve got the whip-smart instincts to get over them, quickly. You choose not to panic, nor will you give up fighting for what you love and believe in today. Trust your insights when it comes to matters of the heart, because they can take you into a new and profoundly important chapter of your epic love story.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: The fact that you’re having a resurgence of professional ambition shouldn’t be a surprise to you, especially while brilliant Mercury forms a harmonious angle to Jupiter, your ruling planet, right now. Everything will seem to go your way for a while, but there’s a chance your positive attitude could rub your partner the wrong way today. It’s imperative that you strike while the iron’s hot, but when a mate’s enthusiasm doesn’t match your own, it can be a disappointment. Luckily, the green monster’s presence will be gone quickly, because deep inside, the one you love wants you to be happy. Keep your ardent emotions to a dull roar, at least for now, and soon you’ll get the support you desire.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: As nimble Mercury connects with generous Jupiter in your sign today, you may realize that you have an incredible professional opportunity to take advantage of. This is a big deal to you, but someone you’re involved with may not be happy with the situation. The right thing to do is to temporarily dampen your outward displays of excitement, at least until the one you love gets used to the idea. This goes doubly true if your mate has a propensity to become envious. This doesn’t mean you have to dull your shine in the long run; just remain sensitive to how you discuss your lucky break.


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: A friendly colleague from your professional world is giving you a lot of extra attention right now, and because you like how it feels, you’re not hiding your joy about it, especially if you think all the hubbub could lead to a promotion. That’s the good news. The bad news is that someone you’re romantically connected with could be feeling jealous about the time you’re spending with your work-mate. You’ll have to find a diplomatic and gentle way to let your sweetheart know that you’re simply motivated by ambition, and remind them to trust you. Don’t dull your sparkle for anyone today – you deserve the spotlight!


daily love horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

August 29, 2020: Someone you love can help you pursue a personal goal today, and you’ll be happy for the support. Everything could be going well in your relationship world at the moment, except if money becomes a sticking point between you and your mate. If you’re not hurting for cash right now, a sweetheart may ask for a loan, but before you say yes, consider the repercussions of your decision. If you believe your connection can handle this financial arrangement, then go for it — you’ll be helping someone out. However, if the idea of such a thing makes you twinge, steer clear of it and keep things simple. Your wise intuition will point you to the right answer.