Daily Horoscope for August 19: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Daily Horoscope for August 19: The moon moves into Virgo early this morning, putting us into an organizational trance. It's the perfect day for making to-do lists and checking off boxes. Virgo is the master editor, so finding the things that aren't working for you should come easily today.


Daily Planetary Overview

The moon moves into Virgo early this morning, putting us into an organizational trance. It’s the perfect day for making to-do lists and checking off boxes. Virgo is the master editor, so finding the things that aren’t working for you should come easily today. Allow yourself to be a bit emotionally removed this morning, and use the energy to cut out situations that are holding you back or creating unnecessary stress.

A sextile with the north node in Geminipromotes constructive criticism, so asking the opinion of a trusted confidant could help you see things from a new and helpful perspective. You may also have constructive criticism to offer others, but make sure they’re open to hearing what you have to say before throwing in your two cents.

As evening descends, Uranus strikes up a conversation with the moon as the two form a trine, creating an unpredictable atmosphere. This aspect is generally positive, which could help you find innovative solutions to problems.

However, Uranus, ever the troublemaker, could also bring some unexpected drama to the scene. Be careful when dealing with others tonight. There will be a desire to offer advice that may not necessarily be welcome. Fixate on solving your own problems and allow other people to work out their issues unless they ask for your help.


The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are the trailblazers. Passionate and independent, Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it—a Ram needs to be 100 percent committed to the task at hand.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Are you satisfied with your current career, Aries? If not, start by making a plan. There are specific steps that you can take to give you the greatest advantage in the opportunities available. Consider visiting online career sites. There are wonderful articles and tips for the taking. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. See what’s out there and find a more fulfilling career.


Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Don’t fear change, Taurus. Even if you think you don’t adjust well, you have far more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant and lifeless. It wouldn’t be long before you grew unsatisfied and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change as an adventure and a gateway to greater happiness and fulfillment. Trust in your versatility, too.


Smart, passionate, and dynamic, Gemini is characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, and is known for having two different sides they can display to the world. Expert communicators, Gemini is the chameleon of the Zodiac, adept at blending into different groups based on the vibe and energy they perceive.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Make your dreams valuable tools for insight, Gemini. Back in the old days, great rulers believed so strongly in the insight of dreams that they employed interpreters. Whether you think dreams are mystical insights or random thoughts, you can gain a lot from them. Reoccurring dreams are significant and can point to something that needs addressing. Consider exploring this area.


Emotional, intuitive, and practically psychic; ruled by the moon and characterized by the crab, Cancer has so much going on in its watery depths. Cancers may seem prickly and standoffish at the first meeting, once they make the decision to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Follow your instincts, Cancer. Even if you tend to listen more to your reason, put that aside. While your ears can hear words, your intuition can hear what’s between the lines and provide you with a much bigger picture. If something sounds right but feels wrong, you’ll be better off trusting your feelings. Act with careful consideration and caution.


Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Feed your mind with new knowledge, Leo. Visit an internet bookstore or read some interesting information online. If you have more time, visit the library, if possible, or explore courses that you might like. There is knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you’re open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that’s what you need.


Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Virgo gets the job done without complaining. Virgos are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand and also lend advice. Practical Virgos are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they’re going to do today isn’t a drag it makes them feel in control and secure.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Try to see nightmares as safe ways to understand feelings, Virgo. No one likes to experience them, and we’d sooner forget them once awake, the quickest way to ensure they don’t return is to understand what they’re saying. Fear, pain, and anxiety are the most common ingredients of nightmares. What frightens you? Do you feel insecure? Consider the questions and probe for answers.


Intelligent, kind, and always willing to put others before themselves, Libras value harmony in all forms. Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, Libra adores a life that looks good. As the master of compromise and diplomacy, Libra is adept at seeing all points of view and excels at crafting compromises and effecting mediation between others.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Are you living your dreams, Libra? Are you still in touch with them? The energy from today’s planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement to this part of your life. Take hold of the things you want most of all. Ask yourself, “What do I want people to say about me when I’m gone?” Get back on the road to a fulfilled life by taking steps toward your desires.


Passionate, independent, and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go. They love debates, aren’t afraid of controversy, and won’t back down from a debate.

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Today’s a good day to check into advancing your career or education, Scorpio. The energy favors expansion and growth. When was the last time you learned a new skill? It doesn’t have to be work related, either. If arranging flowers, skydiving, or programming websites is something that appeals to you, go for it. Never stop looking for ways to expand your knowledge.


Independent and strong-willed, Sagittarius personalities are all about going off the beaten path. Sagittarius isn’t afraid to step away from the pack and is a natural-born leader who goes after what he or she wants, regardless of what other people think.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Do you recognize your intuition as a valuable asset, Sagittarius? Some people do and some don’t. Which group are you in? It can be easy to trust more in concrete, factual reality than in the things you can’t touch, yet your intuition can serve you more than you may realize. That gut feeling you experience can guide you toward greatness and alert you to danger. Trust it more.


Smart, hardworking, and fully in control of their destiny, a Capricorn will always get what they set their mind to, in both personal and professional life—no excuses. Capricorns may get a reputation as stubborn, but they simply know what they want, and also know how they wish other people would behave.

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Use your creativity to make things happen today, Capricorn. This doesn’t have to take the form of a finished product. You can come up with new and innovative ways to approach a task, project, or problem. Trust your ability to discover such things. You’re known for your sharp thinking and creative abilities. Combining them can make you unstoppable when finding solutions to almost any problem.


Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don’t like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Find new ways to expand your horizons, Aquarius. The web has an infinite number of resources and information to explore. Not only that, but your community and local colleges offer various online courses to choose from. Think about what you’d enjoy learning – perhaps a new job skill or craft. Whether it’s judo or Italian or woodworking that strikes your fancy, it’s out there. Find it.


Smart, creative, and deeply intuitive, Pisces can be close to psychic. Pisces feel things deeply and have incredibly strong gut reactions. A Pisces “knows” things from deep within, and can often judge whether a person or situation is good or bad.

daily horoscope for august 19 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Step out of your usual role, Pisces. Doing this every now and then can add knowledge and expand your life. The day’s planetary aspects favor such growth. Your willingness to walk a different path can give you far more than you imagine. Try something you’ve never considered before. Go to a new place. Change your desk around. See what you can discover about yourself and the world.