Trade experts said that the EVFTA, which officially took effect from August 2021, has been bringing positive impacts to Vietnam and Denmark and contributed to promoting Vietnam-Denmark trade relations and further expanding markets for Vietnamese exports.

According to the trade office, Denmark is a developed industrial country, with a modern economy and high living standards. Import-export accounts for nearly 60% of the total gross domestic product (GDP) of the European country.

In addition, Denmark’s business environment is friendly, ranked by the World Bank as the country with the best business environment in Europe for 10 consecutive years and always comes in the top five countries with the best business environment in the world, the office said.

In particular, Denmark is not only the only Nordic country that has established a comprehensive partnership with Vietnam, but also one of Vietnam’s potential trade partners in the European region.

Over the recent years, Denmark has implemented trade liberalisation and market opening policies to create favourable conditions for enterprises to export to this market, the office added.

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