2030 Business Club presents 1,300 gift sets to locked down areas

HCMC - The 2030 Business Club, a member of the Saigon Times Club, handed over 1,300 sets of necessities to people living in areas under lockdown or quarantine in HCMC on July 31.

Necessities are delivered to 59 households in an area under quarantine in Go Vap District – PHOTOS: 2030 BUSINESSPEOPLE CLUB

The necessities were given to people in districts 7, 8, 10, Go Vap, Tan Binh, Binh Chanh and Thu Duc City. Each gift set comprised 5 kilograms of vegetables and fruit and 5 kilograms of rice.

On July 30 and 31, 17 tons of vegetables and fruit and 13 tons of rice were distributed to thousands of households across the city.

The relief includes vegetables, fruit and rice

The donation was part of the second phase of the Saigon Times – Great Circle 2021 program, an initiative of the Saigon Times Group aimed at supporting people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nguyen Thi Dung, a leader of Quarter 4, Ward 3, Go Vap District said the local residents have faced many difficulties since the area was locked down to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

On behalf of the locals, she thanked the 2030 Business Club and sponsors for their timely support during this social distancing period.

The 2030 Businesspeople Club provides 17 tons of vegetables and fruit and 13 tons of rice to needy people in HCMC on July 30 and 31

In the second phase of the Saigon Times – Great Circle 2021 program, which runs for 30 days, the 2030 Business Club expects to give 5,000 sets of necessities and some 150 tons of vegetables and fruit to people whose livelihoods are severely affected by Covid-19 in HCMC and neighboring provinces.

In the first phase of the program, more than 3,000 sets of necessities and some 25 tons of vegetables and fruit worth over VND700 million were delivered to underprivileged people across the city.