Foreign visitor plunges into river to save Vietnamese sucidal man: in video

The foreign visitor jumped into the cold, fast-flowing river water without hesitation as he saw a stranger taking his own life.


(Video: Vietnamnet)

As reported by witness at the scene, a Vietnamese man was walking on the bridge crossing Han River, Da Nang City’s Hai Chau district when he deliberately climbed out of the stairway and plunged himself into the water. A foreign passer-by was quick to strip off his clothes and dove into the cold river, swimming offshore, trying to save the suicidal man’s life.

Meanwhile, people on the bridge immediately called local authorities. With the support of rescue force, the foreigner had managed to bring the Vietnamese man ashore, safe and sound.

The suicidal man was brought back ashore safe and sound (Photo: Vietnamnet)
The suicidal man was brought back ashore safe and sound (Photo: Vietnamnet)
With the support of the rescue team, the foreigner managed to save the man's life (Photo: Vietnamnet)
With the support of the rescue team, the foreigner managed to save the man’s life (Photo: Vietnamnet)

The brave foreign visitor who wishes to stay anonymous was welcomed with a standing ovation from local people. Many could not hide their admiration toward the courageous life-saving action.

The foreigner has put other’s life before his own to bring that man to life, regardless of the fast-flowing water and inclement weather. I’m so touched by that”, N.T, a passer-by who witnessed the incident told Yan News.

Another witness said that things had happened in a split second, passers-by including him could not prevent the Vietnamese man from suicidal thoughts. “I’m amazed by what the foreigner had sacrificed”, he added.

To date, the identity of the young man so far has not been clarified.

The whole incident has been recorded by local people. Upon its uploading on the Internet, the foreign visitor has been showered with exclamations and praises from Vietnamese netizens.