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Prevention is better than cure

Prevention, detection, quarantine, isolation and stamping out are the five decisive steps Vietnam has taken in the fight against Covid-19.


Almost 100 million Vietnamese citizens and nearly 4 billion people around the world have been practicing social distancing. Vietnam and more than 700 additional nations continue to follow this measure.

By the end of January 2020, before the coronavirus had turned into a global outbreak, Vietnam has already implemented a number of preventive steps. When the pandemic became worse, Vietnam decided to put their focus on isolating confirmed cases and tracking down infected people instead of large- scaled testing.

Prevention, detection, quarantine, isolation and stamping out are the five decisive steps Vietnam has taken in the fight against Covid-19.

Our greatest strength is the unity of the entire nation. The key to our success lies in the prompt actions and resolve of the Government. The Covid-19 pandemic has become quite complex. Vietnam has proven that early risk assessment, effective communication, and strong Government-citizen cooperation can help a country with limited resources and a modest healthcare system to contain and defeat this pandemic.

There is an old Vietnamese saying:  Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is one of the crucial steps Vietnam has taken./.