Success in shrimp aquaculture from advanced technology

High-tech shrimp farming models complete with net houses, canvas-lined ponds, and water treatment plants require billions of Vietnam dong in investment per hectare. Their effectiveness, though, means that many farmers in the southern region are willing to give it a try.



Le Quang Toan is the owner of a 15-ha white-legged shrimp farm. He uses biofloc technology, which controls disease outbreaks and achieves a survival rate of up to 80% compared to traditional farming practices.

He also doesn’t use antibiotics, to ensure food hygiene and safety.

Despite the high production cost, such practices help ensure high safety, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Toan has applied the model since 2013 and it has proven to be very effective. He can harvest approximately 32 tonnes of shrimp each crop, raking in 7-8 billion Vietnam dong on average. He has also created stable jobs for 40 permanent workers and 250 seasonal workers.

With his knowledge and experience, Toan also consults other local farmers on following high-tech shrimp farming. Thanks to the application of scientific and technological advances, he not only successfully developed his model but also supported other farmers with an aspiration to become wealthy./.