Beautiful Romance Between a Vietnamese Wife and her Swiss Husband

East meets Wests in this globe-trotting romance!


A house full of kindness in Switzerland

The day she followed her husband back to Switzerland, Hoang Quynh Anh (33 years old, from Nghe An) found the people of this country very interesting, so she started filming and sharing clips. The videos of this Vietnamese female director are everyday life stories, but full of information about geography, nature, and the simple life in a small town.

“Quynh Anh greets everyone” is the name of the social media clips of Quynh Anh’s account in Switzerland, impressing viewers with her warm voice. Each frame is a beautiful natural scene in the country that is “most worth it to live in.”

Seeing that his wife was busy running a household goods company, Jorge Strehler (37 years old, her husband Quynh Anh) objected to her making these clips because he was afraid that she would waste a lot of time. But her mother-in-law always supported and helped her. Only then did Jorge join in. Her husband’s family and neighbors are also very happy to know that she is making positive videos about Switzerland.

Beautiful Romance Between a Vietnamese Wife and her Swiss Husband

Quynh Anh used to quit her job earning 150 million per month. She has traveled alone to Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and many other countries. After that, she returned to Cambodia with friends to start a business with a “huge” income, she gave up everything to follow her Western husband to Switzerland.

Here, she continues to do these jobs remotely but spends more time traveling with her husband. Usually, Jorge takes the initiative to do housework in the morning or when he comes home from teaching. On weekends, the couple arranges to do housework together, read books or play chess.

“In Switzerland, couples have to share the housework, so it is quite normal for my husband to do housework. The husbands also do all the housework for their wives as is the tradition in the family. My mother-in-law is also loved by her husband in the same way,” Quynh Anh shared.

When asked about the reason for choosing to live in Wald ZH, this Vietnamese bride said that because Jorge was born and raised here, he is quite emotional, so he wants to live close to his family. When she came here, she realized how warm and friendly the Swiss people are.

Beautiful Romance Between a Vietnamese Wife and her Swiss Husband

Quynh Anh’s mother-in-law worked as a teacher in the town for nearly 40 years. She has a good relationship with many people around her. The apartment that Quynh Anh and her husband are currently living in is also a gift that a friend of her mother-in-law sold to her family at a low price compared to the market.

“My wife and I bought a house with all the kindness of the people around, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law lent us some money, the rest was a bank loan,” she said.

When the couple first moved into the empty house, the mother-in-law bought 2 large wooden tables; her sister-in-law fills the kitchen drawers with necessary tools and spices; the husband’s brother bought them a chair; Neighbors also gave them some gifts, and the girl next door gave them a big cabinet. “Now we have a house full of sunshine, love, and a small garden with a view of the natural sky,” said the happy Vietnamese bride.

The close relationship between a Western mother-in-law and a Vietnamese daughter-in-law

Jorge got to know Quynh Anh at a small coffee shop in Phnom Penh. Impressed with a smart, beautiful, independent girl with a strong personality and way of seeing things. He realized the two had much in common, similar ideas about the future despite coming from different backgrounds.

He shared: “We both lived in Cambodia, far from home, so we relied on each other. I am happy to be near Quynh Anh. Her smile makes me happy, I want to be with this girl and grow old with her.”

Jorge proposed to Quynh Anh after 6 months of dating which made her a little confused. Because of Jorge’s understanding, slow, and gentle way of talking, she also thought that this was a man worthy of marriage.

Beautiful Romance Between a Vietnamese Wife and her Swiss Husband

The day she informed her family about her decision to get married, the whole family was happy for her. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the plan to hold a wedding ceremony in 2020 in Vietnam was postponed, now the two have just held a cozy family party in Switzerland in April.

Having been independent and living alone for more than 13 years, when she moved to Switzerland, apart from the big change in life and weather, Quynh Anh was not too worried. The first day she arrived in Switzerland, her mother-in-law opened the door to look at her affectionately, gave her a bouquet of flowers, and said: “Welcome home”.

She was touched: “The word “home” has been deposited in me until now and perhaps many years later. My mother-in-law is a very kind person. If I am angry with my husband, my mother and sister-in-law will come to comfort me. I can trust them with everything, my mother-in-law is also quite proud of me when she tells stories to her friends. I have a really wonderful family.”

Beautiful Romance Between a Vietnamese Wife and her Swiss Husband

Romasri Strehler (76 years old, Quynh Anh’s mother-in-law) also expressed that she enjoys spending time with her daughter-in-law because they can talk, walk, and cook together. This mother-in-law also hopes that her Vietnamese daughter-in-law feels comfortable in Switzerland and hopes to soon have the opportunity to return to Vietnam with Quynh Anh to meet her in-laws.

Da Quang
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