Police doctors on frontline in COVID-19 fight

Police Hospital 199 under the Ministry of Public Security is one of four hospitals in the central city of Da Nang receiving and monitoring patients suspected of being infected by the COVID-19 virus. With modern facilities, the hospital has also been selected to receive all foreign patients. The police doctors here are very much on the frontline in fighting the pandemic.


Bojan is one of many foreigners suspected of having COVID-19 that the hospital has taken care of. Doctors have overcome numerous difficulties, with their workplace changing from a treatment facility to a quarantine unit, and they also worked around an initial shortage of equipment.

The language barrier melted away as patients saw the determination and heart of the doctors.

The Prime Minister recently decided to present a Certificate of Merit to the hospital in recognition of its doctors’ efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. For the doctors, however, the greatest reward is seeing the improved health of and respect from foreign friends in Vietnam during this difficult time./.