French Doctor Dedicated to Vietnamese Traditional Medicine

French physician Mezard Marc has done nearly 30 years of research on Vietnamese traditional medicine. Every year, he sends many students from France to Vietnam to study medicine and practice the theory of Wu Xing (five elements) at the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute, helping promote traditional Vietnamese medicine in the world.

Doctor Mezard started studying the theory of Wu Xing in 1991 with the direct instruction of Doctor Truong Thin (1940-2012) who was the president of the Ho Chi Minh City Oriental Medicine Association. Over the past two decades, Dr. Mezard has acquired valuable knowledge about Vietnamese traditional medicine which has helped him give treatment to many patients at the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute.

French doctorMezard Marc has done research on Vietnamese traditional medicine for nearly 30 years.

DoctorMezard Marc (middle) instructs a student on treatment by Vietnamese traditional medicine method.

A friendly talk with a patient at Ho Chi Minh City Tratiional Medicine Institute.

DoctorMezard Marc uses acupuncture to treat a patient at Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute.

Doctor Mezard Marc instructs practice of the Wu Xing theory.

Discussing treatment methods with students.

Students practice the Wu Xing theory under the instruction of doctor Mezard Marc.

The French doctor treats a patient atHo Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute.

As an expert at the France-based French-Vietnamese Oriental Medicine Institute, Dr. Mezard has made great effort to promote cooperation between this institute and the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute.

Since 2001, Dr. Mezard has regularly taken students from different countries to Vietnam to learn Vietnamese traditional medicine, especially the theory of Wu Xing. Each year, 3-6 groups, each with 10 students, come to Vietnam to study and practise the theory of Wu Xing for 1-2 weeks at the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute.

Dr. Mezard said that the theory of Wu Xing by the late Dr. Truong Thin has many unique features, typical of the traditional medicine in Southern Vietnam. Foreign students are interested in this method and hope to introduce it to many countries around the world.

According to Dr. Truong Thi Ngoc Lan, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Medicine Institute, the method of using five elements for disease treatment focuses on adjusting the imbalance of yin and yang. When any damages to the body are diagnosed, it will be treated with acupuncture.

Dr. Truong Thi Ngoc Lan said that the theory of Wu Xing has high effectiveness and has simple reasoning, suitable for western students to study and practice on patients.

Besides his passion for Vietnamese traditional medicine, Dr. Mezard has spent a lot of time studying Vietnamese culture. He often takes foreign students to beautiful places and introduces them to delicious food in the South.

Story: Nguyen Vu Thanh Dat – Photos: Thong Hai