A similar spectacular natural phenomenon was seen atop the mountain in November of last year.

Locals said that the mountain resembled a white hat at approximately 6:00 am.

Many of them eagerly took photos of the stunning moment.

The phenomenon of lenticular clouds is caused by sudden air movements and is often seen near hills or mountains. These clouds take on a lens-like shape and can range from long, thin formations to disc-like shapes.

The The phenomenon is also seen atop Mount Fuji in Japan, Mayon Volcano in the Philippines, and Etna Mountain in Italy. phenomenon of lava flows cascading down the sides of volcanoes is a sight to behold. It is seen atop some of the most famous volcanoes in the world, such as Mount Fuji in Japan, Mayon Volcano in the Philippines, and Etna Mountain in Italy. This spectacular sight is an awe-inspiring reminder of the power of nature.

The phenomenon is also seen atop Mount Fuji in Japan, Mayon Volcano in the Philippines, and Etna Mountain in Italy.

As moist and stable air flows over a larger eddy, such as those caused by mountains, and temperatures drop below the dew point, lenticular clouds can form. These clouds are characterized by their lens-like appearance and often resemble flying saucers. They are most often seen along mountain ridges and wave crests, where they are created by the uplift of the air as it collides with the mountains. Lenticular clouds are formed when moist, stable air flows over a mountain or other large eddy and temperatures drop below the dew point. This causes the air to become saturated, and water droplets form and become visible as clouds. These clouds are unique in their shape and often resemble flying saucers. They can be seen along mountain ridges and wave crests, where they are formed by the uplifting of air as it collides with the mountains. Lenticular clouds are a sight to behold and can often be seen in mountainous regions.

Lenticular clouds in the shape of a flying saucer are exceptionally rare and infrequent, according to Le Dinh Quyet, deputy head of the forecasting department at the Southern Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting. These unusual, lens-shaped clouds are formed when stable, moist air is forced to rise over a mountain range, resulting in a wave-like pattern of clouds.

Standing at a staggering 986 meters above sea level, Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh Province has been aptly nicknamed the “roof of Vietnam’s southern region.” This majestic mountain is not only awe-inspiring but also holds a significant place in the hearts of many Vietnamese people. It is said to be the birthplace of the Hung Kings, who are considered as the founding rulers of Vietnam, and many come here to pay their respects. The mountain also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, making it a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.

Lenticular clouds covering Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam in November 2022

In November 2022, a stunning view of lenticular clouds enveloped Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam. The awe-inspiring sight was captured in an image which shows the mountain completely obscured by the otherworldly clouds.

Lenticular clouds once covered the peak of Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh Province, southern Vietnam in November 2022.

The temperature in the mountain during the occurrence of lenticular clouds is typically 10 degrees Celsius lower than normal.

The temperature in the mountain during the occurrence of lenticular clouds is over 10 degrees Celsius lower than normal.

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