Daily Horoscope for August 29: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Daily Horoscope for August 29: Mercury forms a trine to Jupiter this morning, boosting our optimism and faith.


Daily Planetary Overview

We gain a positive outlook through conversations and a sense of hope or trust in the future. We might benefit from big-picture thinking.

We are seeking out a little extra meaning to our projects and experiences. Our ideas are big, and our intentions noble. We might receive good news or offers now. Curiosity is stimulated. As the day advances, we’re also seeking truths but in a much different way.

Venus approaches an opposition to Pluto, and suspiciousness can set in. This aspect may play to our insecurities and fears. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn until 8:37 PM, forming a square to Mars this afternoon and pitting our sense of independence against duty.

The Moon transits Aquarius from 8:37 PM forward, and we thrive on intellectual stimulation, progress, and unusual or unconventional experiences. The void Moon occurs from 3:31 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mars), until the Moon enters Aquarius at 8:37 PM EDT.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Fair ~ Business: Good

Daily Zodiac Horoscope for August 29


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – It you’re able to attend a social event today, Aries, you won’t feel like talking. You could be content just to listen to what everyone else says, feel at peace, and enjoy the warmth, music, and company. You may have been spending too much time at home and could well need to get out for a while. Relax, sit back in your chair, and enjoy yourself!


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Someone, perhaps a close friend or partner, could present you with a small gift today, Taurus, possibly a book. There might not be any special occasion other than your friend thought you’d enjoy it. This can bring up warm and affectionate feelings. You’ll want to spend a considerable amount of time with this person. You may think it’s rare to find someone so sensitive and kind.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Your intuition should be keener than usual today, Gemini, but right now you’re apt to be more interested in historical figures, perhaps people associated with spiritual disciplines. Books on these subjects could not only be interesting but also informative. Insights you gain from reading about these people help increase your understanding of the present. Keep reading!


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Happiness reigns in the home, Cancer, as everyone seems to have reached a new understanding of one another. You could also experience a new sense of peace and quiet. Everyone is concentrating more on reading and working on their own projects and less on socializing. This could be a wonderful time for you. You’re getting along with your family and the house is a peaceful haven. Enjoy!


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Today you might attend a virtual group event of some kind involving your neighborhood, Leo, possibly with a partner. You and your friend might take an active part in discussing goals for the group. You feel strongly bonded to everyone – your partner, fellow group members, even the community. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling that could stay with you all evening.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Circumstances are changing regarding your professional goals, Virgo. You may have been thinking about a change for a long time, but someone you meet today, perhaps in a social or casual situation, could provide the motivation you need to finally decide. This isn’t just the result of outer changes. You’ve been changing inside, too. You aren’t the same person you were when you chose your current job.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – You’re probably good at applying your spiritual principles to the way you live, Libra. You’re especially good at it today, particularly when it comes to understanding others deeply. Relationships of all kinds will likely grow and improve, at least those that matter. Those that don’t will disappear. This is a time of great outer and inner change for you. Make the most of it!


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Scorpio, you’re usually more outwardly directed, but today you might break that pattern. You could be in a contemplative mood and wondering about everything from metaphysics to philosophy to money to your future. You’re basically feeling positive about life, but you might be at a crossroads now. It may take some serious thought before you decide which direction to go. Give yourself some time.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Today you might crave the companionship of friends and lovers alike, Sagittarius. You’re probably in the mood for some good food, good music, and great conversation, and that’s just what you’ll get if it’s possible in any way. Later you might spend time alone with a love partner, reflecting on recent conversations. Some of them might be worthy of deeper thought. Have a pleasant day and a wonderful evening.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – You’re feeling pretty strong now, Capricorn. You’re probably in fairly good health and your mind is sharp. You’ve outgrown some areas of your life that no longer seem what they once were. One of these could be your work. You could be considering leaving a job you took primarily for the money and going into a profession you really love. Do it if it works for you.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Are you getting along better than ever with a significant other, Aquarius? If so, it’s probably because you’re more attuned to what your partner thinks, feels, needs, and wants. You might fetch something before he or she even knows it’s necessary. This can help you reach a new understanding of your beloved. Go with the flow and make the most of it. You’ll be glad you did.


daily horoscope for august 29 astrological prediction for zodiac signs

Aug 29, 2020 – Peace reigns in the home today. Members of your household could communicate with each other almost telepathically, Pisces. You might find it strange, but it shouldn’t be surprising. After all, they’ve been living together for a while! It’s good for peace in the home. They can sense and avoid whatever irritates someone else. That should give you some welcome breathing space.